Posted by : Unknown Monday, 18 November 2013

Who wants to lose some good amount of weight without sealing their mouth up? It’s a good treat if someone gets to eat well and at the same time can help him/her to lose weight. Regarding that there are not some but various amounts of ingredients that help reduce your weight if you keep them in your meals on a regular basis. Of all those various ingredients Top tens have come up with the list of top ten best diet ingredients that will help you shed a good amount of weight in a matter of time.

10. Edamame

The first that we are going to discuss is Edamame, on number ten the green soya beans are one amazing protein providers which make it easy and simple to digest compared to fats and carbohydrates. Per cup the soya beans provide 17g of protein in total. A research at the Federal University of Vicosa proved that if a person’s morning meal contained edamame that has soya proteins, he will lose 70 more calories than normal.

9. Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruit
The beautiful green fruit does not only taste good but is one of the best diet foods which have 84 milligrams of Vitamin C. A study at the Arizona State University in Mesa showed that Vitamin C has a unique feature that it helps build Carnitin, a compound which further changes fats into cell mitochondria and then it used for energy during exercise.

8. Sweet Potatoes

How about a food that tells your brain not to eat any further? Sounds great! Sweet potatoes have Resistant Starch (RS) in them that turn up the fat scorching furnace in the body and RS also increase the production of the peptide hormone compounds which signal the brain not to eat more. so it would be ideal to have sweet potato in your meals avoiding the intake of fatty foods to bulk up the diet.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt-Top 10 Diet Foods of All Times
Yogurt itself comes up as a complete meal for you. A low fat and nonfat Greek Yogurt have at least 20% of the whole calcium needs that you have to intake in a day. Further the Calcium mineral slows down the production of cortisol, which is hormone that makes your belly fat store up.

6. Eggs

Boil the eggs, make an incredible jumbo omelet or low fry it for yourself. Do whatever and however you like this ingredient, although it comes with a lot of options! The eggs are full of Choline, which is a compound known for the blockage of fat absorption. According to a study in the international study of Obesity, people who ate tw0 eggs and toast for their breakfast for almost a week reduced 65% more than the others who had their normal breakfast without eggs.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil
Olive oil is one of the main ingredients which is always discussed in the list of Diet foods. The mono-unsaturates that are found in the Olive Oil are such fats which turn on the genes that further fight against the fat and extra storage in the body.

4. Lentils

Lentils-Top 10 Diet Foods of All Times
These legumes at number four have a lot of Resistant Starch in them, which as discussed before help in shrinking the fat cells and reduce fats in the body. A study also showed that people who ate lentils of about ¾ cup in a day will burn up to 23% more fat compared to the people who did not have them in their meal.

3. Quinoa

When we say Quinoa, we say A LOT of Protein. Quinoa provides us with a lot of Amino Acids which further help in building a great metabolic system to energize a person. The more you take these in your meals, the more you are tending to lose the fats in the body.

2. Apples

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away’ at number two is the incredible fruit Apple. It won’t be wrong if we say, ‘An Apple a day keeps the Fat away’. It has 5 grams of Fiber in it and it not only fills up the tummy but also fights against other fats that are built up in the body by the other foods. It fights against and lets a person reduce more weight.

1. Wild Salmon

Wild Salmon
The Salmon fish stands as the number one ingredient/food for all the diet plan followers out there. The wild salmon fish has omega-3 fatty acids which help it fight against the flab more easily. It also alters some genes in the body that helps to burn the fatty material present in the body rather than storing further more. So if you love meat and want to have some amazing yummy food in your diet, grab a wild salmon fish and cook it the way you like.

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