Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Water is one of the blessed things on earth.We drink it, bathe in it, clean with it and use it to cook food.In short life is impossible without water.But,same water in excess can cause disaster called , flood. A Flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry,as a covering by water of land not normally covered by water. Flooding has claimed millions of lives in the last hundred years alone, more than any other weather phenomenon.Here are some reasons of huge damages in Philippines recently flood effected areas.

10.Lack of flood control system

Lack of flood control system
Flood control refers to all methods used to reduce or prevent the detrimental effects of flood waters.The Philippine Fault System consists of a series of seismic faults that produce several earthquakes per, goverment should develop well-organised flood control system or latest small-scale flood control systems that can be used at home such as Aqua Levee,HESCO Concertainer units,Flood barriers,Artificial sandbags,Inflatable rubber dams etc

9. Politics

Although It does not make any sense ,but politics is actually involved in increased loss of life due to over population in costal areas. People were bound to stay in these areas .Politics also conspires to keep informal settlers where they are, because they represent votes.


Because there are no alternatives for low-income mass housing, informal settlers ,settle in desperate areas.The combination of poverty and population shifts ,puts the the Philippines among the Top 10 worldwide nations at risk of coastal flooding.

7.Unplanned drainage infrastructure

Unplanned drainage infrastructure
Because there is a lack of planning context, all drainage, road and traffic infrastructure is useless to carry the additional load,that’s why most flooded areas are waterways clogged. All solid waste sewers go to the waterways, filling many of them so solid that animals can cross over them. And this is one of the reasons it floods.The islands typically have narrow coastal plains and numerous swift-running streams.

6.Presence in convergence zone area

Presence in convergence zone area
Another cause of flooding in philippines was the wind convergance,convergence zone is a region in the atmosphere where two prevailing flows meet and interact, usually resulting in distinctive weather conditions.

5. Inadequate evacuation plans

Inadequate evacuation plans
The young, poor population of the Philippines has increasingly shifted to coastal regions, where rapidly constructed housing and inadequate evacuation plans may have played a role in the Haiyan disaster.Indeed, reports are now emerging that people died in shelters too weak to withstand the storm surge and high winds of the super typhoon.

4. Geographical unstability

Geographical unstability
The Philippine archipelago lies in Southeast Asia as part of a western Pacific arc system that rests on the earthquake and volcano Ring of Fire. All of the Philippine islands are prone to earthquakes. The Philippine Fault System consists of a series of seismic faults that produce several earthquakes per year, most of which are not felt.Driven by the Pacific Ocean’s crust diving underneath the continents, the result is earthquakes and tsunamis striking the Philippines with regularity. An earthquake of magnitude 7.2 last month killed 222 people, for example, on the island province of Bohol.

3. Deforestation

Illegal logging has reduced forest cover to less than 10% of the total land area.In past typhoons, mudslides have killed many storm survivors in the Philippines.Hillsides denuded of trees have fewer roots to hold them together, which can lead to mudslides when they are hit by sudden huge outbursts of rain.Deforestation has caused similar problems in places such as Haiti, where mudslides were triggered by rainstorms.

2.Largest Coastallines

Largest Coastallines
Topographically, the Philippines is broken up by the sea, which gives it one of the longest coastlines of any nation in the world.36,289 kilometres (22,549 mi).A lot of people live on low-lying coastal islands in the Philippines, with more than 60 percent of the population living in coastal zones, according to World Bank estimates.Storm surges for landfall of Super Typhoon Haiyan reached 23 feet (7 meters) in some places and were more than 16 feet (5 meters) high.Those waves rolled over low-lying parts of populated islands such as Leyte, home to the coastal city of Tacloban, where the BBC estimates more than 10,000 people alone died.

1. Warm Ocean Waters

Warm Ocean Waters
The Philippines has a tropical wet climate dominated by a rainy season. Annual rainfall measures as much as 5,000 millimeters (196.9 in) in the mountainous east coast section of the country.The Philippines sit astride the typhoon belt, and it suffers an annual onslaught of dangerous storms from July through October .The Philippines is prone to about 18-21 typhoons per year.It has the warmest ocean temperatures in the world. We call it the warm pool around Indonesia and the Philippines.Temperatures above 28°C (82.4°F) is required for typhoons to form. In the western Pacific, the water is normally above 28 degrees

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